Daz studio 4.6 serial number
Daz studio 4.6 serial number

daz studio 4.6 serial number

Click onthe ‘Full-Body’ category to select it. Double-click the icon named ‘FIGURE – Barefoot Dancer.’ This will load the figure into the scene and you should see her appear in the “Viewport.” Note that the “Bounding Box” around the figure indicates that she is currently selected.ĭAZ Studio 4.6 QuickStart Guide - Barefoot Dancer 5Step 3 – Load Clothing Clothing can be found in the ‘Ward-robe’ category of the Smart Content pane.Just like you expanded the ‘Figures’ cat-egory, expand the ‘Wardrobe’ categoryby clicking the arrow to the left. Each of these icons represents a content file. If you’ve followed along properly you should see icons appear in the right column of the Smart Content pane. Within the ‘People’ category is a ‘Female’ subcategory. Expanding the ‘Figures’ category will reveal subcategories. To do this click the Actors, Wardrobe & Props activity tab.Loading Your ContentStep 1 – Open the Smart Content Pane To open the Smart Content “Pane” click on the tablabeled ‘Smart Content‘ on the left hand side of the interface.We will be using the ‘Files’ “Page” of the Smart Content pane,so make sure that ‘Files’ at the top of the pane is highlighted.Step 2 – Load an Actor The first thing we will load into our scene is our “Actor.”Expand the ‘Figures’ category by clicking the arrow to the leftof the “Category.” You will find the categories in the Smart Content pane in the left hand column ofthe pane. Choose ‘Holly-wood Blvd’ from the drop down menu andclick ‘Accept.’ĭAZ Studio 4.6 QuickStart Guide - Barefoot Dancer 4Step 2 – Open the Actors, Wardrobe & Props Activity The Hollywood Blvd layout is separated into several “Activities.” You can switch between ac-tivities by clicking one of the “Activity Tabs”, near the top of the “Main Window.” Start by entering theActors, Wardrobe & Props activity. To do this, go to Window→ Workspace → Select Layout… The ‘Select Layout…’ action will launchthe Select a Layout dialog. If you have previously changed yourinterface layout then you will need to changeit to Hollywood Blvd. If this is your first time launchingDAZ Studio, or you have never changed yourlayout then no further action is needed. Hollywood Blvd is the default layout forDAZ Studio.


Default Lights and Shaders for DAZ StudioPlease see the online article “Downloading with Install Manager” for information on how to downloadand install these products using the DAZ Install Manager.Setting Up Your InterfaceStep 1 – Use the Hollywood BlvdInterface Layout DAZ Studio comes with several “InterfaceLayouts.” We will be using the “Hollywood Blvd”layout.Forthis, you can consult the DAZ Studio User Guide.Requirements In order to follow along with this QuickStart Guide you will need to make sure that you havethe following installed: It will not provide an in depth explanation for the processes involved. As the name indicates this is a QuickStart Guide that serves as a launching point for your ex-ploration into DAZ Studio. The hope is that thesteps presented in this tutorial will provide you with foundational knowledge that can be built uponlater.

daz studio 4.6 serial number

This QuickStart Guide is designedto provide step by step instructions for recreating the Barefoot Dancer scene.

daz studio 4.6 serial number

DAZ Studio 4.6 QuickStart Guide - Barefoot Dancer 3QuickStart GuideIntroduction Thank you for downloading and installing DAZ Studio.

Daz studio 4.6 serial number